Have you just broken up with your ex, constantly thinking about him/her and can’t get over your ex? If this sounds exactly like you, here we will give you 9 proven ways how to get over an ex and start a new life.
Don’t hope for the fast recovery, first of all, you need time for healing all wounds, getting over an ex is longtime process. You have to realise that break up is an occasional thing which can happen with everyone. And also there is a further life, your life doesn’t stop. Love isn’t just in a relationship. Love is everywhere: your relatives and friends, nature, arts, animals. Love is your life.
1. Cut off all contacts, delete from all social media

You need to minimize all contacts that you can have with your ex. Delete his/her mobile number, unfollow from all social networks, stop seeing your common friends. Thereby you haven’t a temptation to write or call and start all over again. Moreover, you won’t be able to see moments from of ex’s life and it won’t make you feel sad and lonely.
2. Get rid of reminders

This paragraph is like an addition to the previous one. Just get rid of all pictures together, gifts, things, that can remind about him/her. Also forget about your favorite cafes, places for walking or spending time together. In order to get over an ex, you should leave him or her in the past. Be sure, you can find a new T-shirt for sleeping.
3. Don’t try to be friends
This is one of the worst things that lots of couples try to do after a break up: to be friends. It is impossible to be friends after a relationship or if you are, one of you lies and still loves another. Don’t feed yourself false hope, even if you will become together again, you will break up soon. Just don’t waste your time.
4. Spend time with your friends

Friends can really help you to overcome all your difficulties. You can spend more times with them, help them or do some things together. You need to begin life with them, they can teach you to laugh and smile again. Also, it’s a good way to get over your ex because when you’re with your friend you forget about your problem and stress.
5. Begin to plan your next vacation

A trip is a very nice way to get over an ex. Began to plan your next vacation, choose county and buy tickets for your recovery. You can make new acquaintances, taste new dishes, meet with new cultures, start learning a new language. There you will have so diverse and active days and you won’t have even time for sadness. I recommend you to choose warm countries with reach ethnic cuisine, as for my Italy will perfectly suit for this.
6. Start love yourself

It’s easy right, but usually, people forget about this. First, you start to love yourself and then others love you. Spend some time for your body and health. It could be whatever you like: gym, swimming pool, spa or massage. Choose that where you get the most pleasure.
7. Stay active
The more you are active, the less you have time for sad and senseless thoughts. Focus more on your work and self-development, find new hobbies or recall old one. Try to avoid to stay home alone or in other places, be always with public.
8. Change something in your look
This paragraph is more for woman than for man, but sometimes it also works for men. Just recall that feeling when you come out from a hairdressing salon with a new haircut. You don’t need to paint or cut off your hair. You can a make new haircut or change your style. Do something, that you wanted for a long time, but was afraid to do.
9. Start dating again
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Even after last your break up, you need to start dating again. I don’t say even to start a long-term relationship. No. It could be cosy dates in restaurants or in the cinema. Or you can use different online dating sites, like DoULike and maybe there you will find rescue. You need to feel it again, start to flirt, forget about the previous pain.
It was our 9 ways how to get over an ex girlfriend or boyfriend, hope that it will be a little useful for you. If you have other ways you can share them with us in comments below. Also, give us to know if you have ever had such experience of “post breaking up depression” or no.
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