Have you ever thought why they got divorced? Maybe because one partner smokes? Read on, we will tell you a lot of interesting divorce facts!
Nowadays divorce couple isn’t something new for us. There is no need to say that we have enormous divorce rate by years of marriage, the statistics on divorces shows that above 50 percent of marriages in the USA end in divorce. People are stuck in rut, begin to quarrel with about trivial matters, just live and hate each other. They lose the sacred meaning of marriage, forget about the pain that they cause their relatives and children. Finally, one of the partners gives up and then they have an unhappy end – divorce.
Want to know the best part?
Today I would like to tell you some divorce facts: some of them are a little ridiculous, but some of them are really interesting facts about divorce.
Fact #1: March and August have the highest divorce rate
As we can see from the statistic on divorce, March and August have the highest divorce rate and there may be several reasons for this. Couples don’t want to do this during winter holidays and also don’t want to do this while their children won’t go to school. So in both ways, they want to do as much as possible less stress for their kids, but finally, we have the divorce with kids, this doesn’t get benefit anybody and then increase divorce percentage.
Fact #2: Women initiate divorce more frequently
As usual, women aremore emotional, energetic, explosive and hysterical. Most of them have these characters because most time we have couples where woman dominates, matriarchy is an established notion in society. So once they burst out and become the initiator of divorce as divorce statistics 2017 shows. Moreover, some researches even say that women have divorce hormone and this belongs to interesting facts about divorce in America.
Fact #3: Don’t get married too soon or too late
The latest research shows that couples have the lowest rate of divorce if they have average age people get married between 28 and 32. When too young people become married, they aren’t ready for this. They don’t realize all responsibility that waits for them in the future life, they haven’t experience and they still want to have life without any significant problems. Otherwise, when people get married too late, they have other problems. They have already had some experience in unhappy relationships. They are too old for changes and improvement. So this type of people also isn’t appropriate, they don’t want to find compromise and forgive. Maybe in the nearest feature, it’s worth for American authorities impose limits on marriage age in THE US😉
Fact #4: If a husband doesn’t work all day, it also increases the divorce rate statistics
It’s well-known fact that if a husband doesn’t work all day, it also increases the divorce rate statistics. A couple begins to spend too much time together. And they don’t spend this time on a date or in the cinema. They just quarrel with about domestic problems. So everything has to be in balance, of course, couples have to spend time together, but also they need to take a break from each other. Often husband begins to much drink because he can’t find good work for himself. Alcoholism and divorce facts closely connect with each other. Some of you can think that this fact belongs to laughable facts about divorce, but the experience of some divorce couples show that it makes sense.
Fact #5: If married couples communicate well with parents of another half, it lowers the probability of annulment
Maybe it can be explained that couples often have problems with parents, but if everything is alright they have some divorce facts less. Maybe you have another explanation? Write it in comments;)
Fact #6: Effects of divorce on children are quite negative
Obviously, effects of divorce on children are quite negative. Divorce has terrible consequences for children of different age. Infants don’t understand what happens, so they can’t understand or say. But they feel everything. Older children have already understood what it’s divorce. Frequently they begin to blame themselves in parent’s divorce and they are afraid of feeling loneliness. Teens are also endangered. They want to feel the support of both parents when they will reach adulthood.
Fact #7: the more it is spent money on a wedding, the more probability of divorce
And the last divorce facts is that the more it is spent money on a wedding, the more probability of divorce. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. We can’t buy love or make feelings stronger. So when people aren’t sure about their choice, they try to compensate it with money and magnificence. On the contrary poor people can’t afford themselves luxurious life, but they value each other.
So, it was my 7 facts about divorce. Maybe some of you recognized themselves at these situations. Or if you are going to marry, think about your choice again and try not to increase divorce rate statistics by year. And finally, if you’re sure, just cherish your love. Love is all we need!❤
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